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Welcome to


If you’ve found this page, chances are you're a student at a post-high school seminary or yeshiva and one of your rabbis or teachers is a friend of mine. I’m the guy that he or she occasionally asks to respond to your questions. It’s not that I know more than them, I don’t. I’m not a rabbi nor a teacher by profession. I’m just a longtime baal teshuva who has a way of discussing God stuff that seems to resonate with the person asking the question. It's been suggested that I find a way to reach a larger audience. This page is an attempt to do that. 

Will it work? I have no idea, but better to try and fail then always wonder 'what if'.

The vision is that enough of you will have questions and will be comfortable asking them that you drive the topics to be discussed. If all goes well, there will be plenty of content to post and even more discussion that will take place off-line. Your question(s) need never appear on the page. Unless you specifically permit me to post your question(s), the communication will be kept confidential. 


The question can be on whatever God topic comes to mind, keeps you up at night, confuses you, etc. Concrete or abstract, I’ll try to give you a fresh – or at least different – perspective to consider. I won’t answer halachic questions – that’s above my pay grade. The best I can do is offer an opinion and hopefully substantiate it, but it will still only be an opinion. There is nothing authoritative about it and should not be taken as anything more than my opinion.  


So, with that short introduction, I encourage you to take a look at some of the questions and answers that prompted the creation of If you would like to ask a question, please contact me at


Thank you.


YG Admin

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